Laura Oliva, Director of LU-VE Group, wins a “Women in Finance – 2019 Italy” award

8 March 2019 – Laura Oliva, a member of the Board of Directors of LU-VE Group, has received one of the “Women in Finance – 2019 Italy Awards”, in the FinTech category, in which she participated with her company eKuota.

The prize was attributed by the British Ambassador to Italy and the law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, in collaboration with Borsa Italiana (the Italian Stock Exchange) in recognition of the contribution of female talent to the world of finance.

Ms. Oliva received the award from the hands of the British Ambassador Ms. Jill Morris.

Carmine Di Noia, Commissioner of CONSOB (the Italian Companies and Exchange Commission), explained the reasons for the award: “An expert in FinTech technologies and Co-founder and Administrator of a platform which applies advanced statistical analysis techniques to develop automated mechanisms to select the best financial strategies. Laura is an example of a professional who has taken advantage of diverse experiences in the company finance and risk management sector to develop innovative technology, but which is at the same time is easy to use and is recognised as one of the best applications of artificial intelligence in FinTech. As a protagonist of the digital ecosystem, she has engaged in initiatives promoting inclusion and the dissemination of investment skills among women.”.

Congratulations go to Ms. Oliva from LU-VE Group and all members of the Board of Directors.

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